Friday, November 24, 2006

Stunning sanctuary and vista at San Luca, Bologna

A few weeks ago we walked up to San Luca from Bologna - a sanctuary on a hill about 5 km from Bologna. I didn't realise that 3.5 of those 5 were uphill!!! In fact, 3.5 km of covered porticos uphill doesn't sound so bad but it was an effort - especially when trying to pretend that it wasn't! We finally got there and the view was superb - but let's face it, once you're there - then what? You go back down. This photo was not taken by me.

The portici from the outside.....

....and from the inside. We're almost there.

And the view from the top - mozza fiato (that's Italian for breathtaking)


Anonymous said...

From the last photo it is obvious why you did not take the first one!

Anonymous said...

Aren't you supposed to climb up to San Luca on your knees - or are you without sin?